Arwen Olsen Franchise

In order to streamline the logistics chain and make communication more efficient within the international maritime freight transport system, starting with May 2024, the freight forwarding company Arwen Olsen proposes to its collaborators a business principle based on a franchise agreement. Thus, depending on the type of containerized maritime transport (LCL, FCL, etc.), the rhythmicity […]

Contract de fransiza Arwen Olsen

Pentru fluidizarea lantului logistic si eficientizarea comunicarii in cadrul sistemului de transport maritim international de marfa, incepand cu luna mai a anului 2024, compania de freight forwarding Arwen Olsen propune colaboratorilor sai un principiu de business bazat pe un acord de fransiza. Astfel, in functie de tipul de transport maritim containerizat (grupaj LCL, complet FCL, […]